Hello Westcliffe started in 2015 as an Instagram account to feature pictures from Custer County, but I quickly realized it was about more than social media. At its heart, Hello Westcliffe is all about collaboration and connection. This looks like inviting folks to “come to the table” and offer what they have to the community in terms of their strengths, passions, and abilities and then using them with no agenda, other than to observe what magic happens. Progress is often slow, but connections are real and lasting, providing the needed foundation of trust for community growth.

I started the @westcliffecolorado Instagram account because I saw that no one else had and I love taking pictures. I quickly realized others wanted to share their pictures too, so I started featuring them. Within that exchange I realized there was a bigger opportunity than just sharing pictures—it was an easy opportunity for genuine connection over a common subject. Whether folks were local or their families had been visiting every summer for the past 30 years or they just discovered Custer County—we all had something in common—our love for the Wet Mountain Valley. As we shared pictures, we have gotten to know each other, developed trust, and are happy to champion each other’s passions. My vision for this group is that through connection and trust, we can address needs in the Wet Mountain Valley and help to make it a place where everyone is welcome to the table with all of their strengths, skills, and ambitions.

– Hannah Corson

We run primarily off of Instagram and about 70% of our followers on IG are under 45 years old. We’re always looking for new ways to engage in the community and share our strengths as Gen-X, Millennials, and Gen-Z.

If you’re interested in being involved or collaborating, email hellowestcliffe@gmail.com for more information.