The Japanese art of forest bathing known as Shinrin-Yoku is an eco-therapeutic way to relax and reconnect with and protect forests. It’s a simple practice of being calm and quiet among trees while observing nature. And it’s been proven to boost health and well-being naturally.

The idea is to find a quiet spot, ideally in nature, and slow down, tap into your senses, and be mindful of everything going on around you. Time spent in nature is not only valued for the fresh air, sunshine, and movement, but a 2019 study reported that forest bathing has positive physiological effects.

Whether walking peacefully along the Rainbow Trail, sitting atop a rock, laying down in a sunny meadow, or sitting in your own home, comfort and peace can be found in quiet places. It’s a simple method of being calm and quiet. The only “rule” is to remove yourself from all distractions and surround yourself with silence.

We all know spending time in nature makes us feel good. The sounds in the forest, the scent of the trees, flora and fauna, dappled sunlight beaming through leaves, fresh, clean air—it’s so peaceful. Stress and worries ease, our minds relax, our good mood is restored, and we feel refreshed and vital again.

When you connect to nature through all five of your senses, you begin to draw on the vast array of benefits the natural world provides. There is now a wealth of data that proves that forest bathing can:

  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Lower stress
  • Improve cardiovascular and metabolic health
  • Lower blood sugar levels
  • Improve concentration and memory
  • Improve energy
  • Boost the immune system
  • Help with weight loss

Content provided by Jules Marie